Join us for a couple of hours of bad weather avoidance on a chatty Zwift hilly group ride.

We will be joining the event ZZRC Bring a Bidon Social Ride (c) at 09:25. The event is scheduled at 105.7km with 820m of climb over Eastern Eight in Watopia. Join (beforehand) on the Zwift Companion app (in which case you can late join up to 9:55), or as you enter the game on Sunday morning (before 9:25). The full ride is likely to take 3 hours if we choose to continue to the end of the event.

Chat will be on the GDW Discord channel . It makes it a lot more interesting and we can discuss how/whether to attack the climbs, how long to ride, how to improve your catch (its a swim thing), the rise of Newcastle United, etc.

Alternatively, you could just join Zwift on another ride and chat on Discord (or even skip the middle man, and just chat).

(This is part of a regular series of Sunday morning outings (mostly outdoors) on different routes and focusing on different bike strengths – steep vs long hills, sprints, group riding, chain-gang, etc)