The Gillingham & District Wheelers / Wheels Cycles Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 27th Feb at the North Dorset Rugby Club, Gillingham at 7.00pm.

AGENDA for the AGM

1.    Apologies for Absence.

2.    Chairman’s Report

3.    Treasurer’s Report

4.    Committees proposal for Membership and TT Fees for 2016

5.  Review of Club kit for 2017 season 

5.    Sponsorship Report: Wheels Cycles

6.  Adoption of version 2 of Annex B to Club Constitution (attached)

7.    Election of Officers for 2016/17. April 1st to March 31st 2017 for the following:

*Elect the following Club Officers and Committee*  (current officials shown)

Chairman: Daryol Laws:

Treasurer: Sarah Roberts

General Secretary: Mike Smith

TT Race Secretary, James Chant/Jim Broom

Road Race Secretary: vacant

Publicity: Don Tanner

Membership Secretary: Pete Humphreys 

Committee members: Mark Geddes, Mike Donovan, Jenny Lucas

       8. AOB