Well it wouldn’t be 2023 if there wasn’t yet another set of roadworks on the scheduled course, (and the proposed alternative!) so once again the Stour Provost course had to be used. Again it was a warm and dry evening.

A course record that has stood for 7 years was broken tonight by Alastair Luxford (20:50). Shawn Gray was second (21:53) and Mark Jacobs third (23:23). Adam Baker (24:37), on his first outing of the year, was fastest on a road bike, ahead of Edd Hunt (24:53). Angie Jamieson was fastest female rider.

A return to Stour Provost is scheduled for next week, but for two laps to make 21 miles. However, given the way the season has gone so far, please check the website and social media for confirmation later in the week. Sign on will be at 6.30 pm and the first rider will start at 7.00 pm. We are also currently short of helpers next week so please let Vince, Mike or James know if you can help!

Results and Times